Telugu film iSmart Shankar was leaked online for free in recent days. This action-drama film is directed by Puri Jagannath and starring Ram Pothineni, Nidhhhh Agerwal and Nabha Ntesh. Piracy has become a major thread in the Telugu film industry in recent times. Websites like Movierulz, Tamilrockers, Bolly4u, and Todaypk are a part of this problem.
Movierulz is a website that leaks latest Telugu movies. This site is very active in releasing pirated movies. iSmart Shankar movie download links are also available in other sites, like Bolly4u. Tamilrockers and Todaypk are the popular sites where pirated movies are available. Pirated websites have made iSmart Shankar movie available for free download on the first day of release.
In iSMart Shankar, the hero is an escape artist, whose memory is transferred to a living person by a mysterious stranger. The film is a satire on the scientific community’s stance on aging and sex. Despite the comedy and derisive nature of the film’s theme, it’s worth checking out for its excellent execution. Despite its controversial subject matter, Movierulz’s fans are sure to enjoy the film.
The movierulz site started off as a small site with just a few films, but eventually grew rapidly. Its proprietors began adding new motion pictures and television shows to the site, and its guest count grew. The site has since been blocked by the public, but the proprietor simply changed the URL and re-launched it. It is currently one of the most popular movie streaming sites in the Philippines.
Despite the ban, Movierulz has remained active in delivering pirated content, often using different domain name extensions and mirroring websites. The film’s watermark clearly indicates that it is a copyrighted work, and if a viewer was aware of its illegal nature, the court will assume that they were watching it anyway. This is unfortunate for moviegoers in the region, who are used to pirating content and are unsure of the legality of it.
While Movierulz is similar to many other torrent websites, it is different in that it offers movies in different categories. Movies are organized by genre, making it easy to find your favorite flicks. Movierulz offers films from Hollywood, Bollywood, Tamil, and Telegu as well as Horror. It’s also worth noting that movies on Movierulz are typically in short-length format, making them perfect for streaming or downloading.